In the decade since The Memories Last, Dan Cribb & The Isolated have honed their songwriting and live show, teaming up with US-based muso Nick Diener (The Swellers) and Perth producer Troy Nababan along the way, resulting in the thoughtfully crafted songs on their new album ‘I’ll Follow You Anywhere’. These eleven new songs bring together best elements of The Memories Last and As We Drift Apart, as well as split releases with Yotam Ben Horin (Useless ID) and Derek Grant (Alkaline Trio). Artwork by Sebas Theriault at SterioDesign
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Available with Limited Edition CD (Disc Only) Bundle here
200 x Clear Vinyl
Track List:
1. More Than You Know
2. The Best of Whatever
3. Midnight
4. Keep on Punching
5. Fade Away
6. What You Believe
7. Addicted For Life
8. Full Circle
9. If Not Now, When?
10. I’ll Follow You Anywhere
11. With Her Now
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