Need Art?
If you’re in need of art, layout and design for anything then you’ve stumbled across the right site! Here you’ll find samples of work I’ve done for bands, labels and punks around the world. If you need art for your band, label, zine, venue, club, gig poster, flyer, business card, website, t-shirt, logo… you name it – you can get it done here! My prices are embarrassingly cheap and the turnover time for work is usually pretty snappy! So have a browse at the samples on the page links below, then get in touch and get it done!
Working out an exact price prior to the completion of a job is always a difficult thing to do. This is because there are so many factors involved in producing artwork that can change the cost. A guide line to how much something is likely to cost is always discussed and agreed on though, and I guarantee you’ll have trouble finding someone else who works for peanuts like me! My rates are basically $30AUD per hour, so to help keep costs down it pays if you already have a clear idea in mind of what it is you want from me. Like, if it’s a CD cover make sure you already have all the text worked out because every time I have to change a name in the thanks list etc. and send you another sample, that costs. If it’s designing a cartoon or logo you need, try to have something in mind that you want and explain the vibe / theme / pose etc. to me. And if you need me to layout an advert or album cover, again have all the artwork and text worked out and clear in a brief prior to us beginning the job – this way it’ll save me time and you bucks!
You will also be required to pay a deposit BEFORE we begin your design – blame everyone who’s stiffed me in the past!
Design Logo
If you need a logo – you need me
Design Cartoon Character
Sketching original toon, or developing a character designed by client.
Layout & Design
Professional looking adverts for publication, striking album artwork, posters, flyers…
Low resolution samples of all work will be emailed to you for final approval before completion of project
Delivery of Final Product
Once client has approved final proof, all artwork is sent via a download link as soon as payment is received. Art files can be supplied on usb and mailed out for an additional fee if required.