Geelong punks Lostboyfound deliver fast melodic punk that draws influences from Strung Out, A Wilhelm Scream and No Use For A Name.
500 x CDs : SOLD OUT
Metior – Issue 3
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Although their name seems like it comes from the scene that passes for hardcore these days and its metal and emo hybrids, Lostboyfound had me drowning in a flood of nostalgia as they represent an older (maybe even a ‘better’) era of hardcore punk music – the ‘melodic hardcore’ sound from the mid to late ’90s. It was a very pleasant surprise to be greeted with the melodic vocals, furious drumming and high-tempo riffage that are synonymous with the sound, particularly one of such high quality considering the degree of difficulty. Hailing from the more metal-tinged area of melodic hardcore, the Geelong boy’s EP delivers the double-kick drum beats, semi-breakdowns and Strung Out-esque metallic guitar licks in a seamless mixture with no room for rest. The opener of the six-track offering, Crossroads, is perfect for getting you ready for the journey with its blistering pace and shout-alongs. The rest of the album coasts at this speed and quality, and whilst some may like a bit more variety in their music, they’re idiots. Whilst Lostboyfound’s gang vocals are perfectly placed to accentuate the intensity of the chorus and tracks, at times it sounds a bit like the post-match team song in a footy change room, such is the ocker accent and lack of melody. That gripe, plus the lead vocals ‘fading’ in the mix on a few occasions, particularly at a more ‘instrument-intense’ section, are the only ones I could find. This is truely a fantastic example of Australian hardcore/punk and the melodic hardcore sound and I can’t wait to see them live. Clear yourself some room for the spontaneous circle pit when you put this one on.
Review by: Nathan Verney
Decoy Music [USA]
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Australia isn’t usually the continent that comes to mind when you think about the classic EpiWreck punk sound. Most people would think of the United States’ west coast, not the land down under. However, the independent music scene in Australia seems to be seeing a resurgence of the types of bands you would have seen signed to Epitaph and Fat Wreck Chords in the 90’s. Just take a listen to the roster of Australian independent label Pee Records. It’s like seeing a rebirth of Fat Wreck, which is most definitely a good thing, and one band on Pee’s roster that embodies the sound and spirit of one of the EpiWreck greats, Strung Out, is Lostboyfound. One Voice Over the Airwaves, a 6 track EP, mixes together the metallic punk sound of the aforementioned Strung Out with the feel of extremely early career Rise Against and the energy of A Wilhelm Scream. Everything old is new again! A perfect example is “We Will Not Go Quietly into the Night,” which sports gang vocal chants, bouncy and melodic lead vocals, AWS styled guitar hooks, and punk attitude infused lyrics. If this band were transplanted to San Francisco circa 1994, they’d be well on their way to mass popularity. The art of making a quality EP seems to be a lost talent since the majority of EPs released by modern artists are nothing special. In most cases they’re simply a track or two from an upcoming album and some other throwaway tracks, usually meant to just keep the band in people’s minds while they work on a full length or to give the band something new to sell for a tour they’re on. It’s rare to see a band put their heart into something so short and something that has a much smaller audience than a full length. In days past an EP would be how most bands got their start since an EP would be all they could afford to record. Having been conditioned to have low expectations for EPs, it’s beyond refreshing to come across one that shows a band with passion. It’s apparent Lostboyfound actually care about this release. Can’t wait for Strung Out’s upcoming 2009 release and need something to tide you over? Want to hear what’s up with the independent Australia punk scene? Want to listen to some truly solid tunes? Lostboyfound’s One Voice Over the Airwaves will satiate any of those needs.
3.5/5 – Review by: Rick Gebhardt
Lights Go Out Zine [UK]
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Pee have found another cracking band then, Lostboyfound play an infectious melodic skate punk not a million miles away from bands like Strung Out and Rise Against. Also maybe a little Satanic Surfers in there too. The guitars are crisp with killer riffs. My pick of the six tracks is “Black Arts” – but seriously this band are well worth a listen, get this CD. Even the unlisted 7th “studio mess around” track is worth checking out. On the strength of this and other recent releases those damn Aussies are putting us Brits to shame!
Review by: Mr. T
Razorcake [USA]
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Taunt, metal-tinged punk from this Aussie outfit. Another well produced mix from the folks at the Blasting Room makes this a sonic sundae that hits the spot. “The Priest Verses the Beast” is a catchy sing-along that even boasts a sample from Pump up the Volume (the only decent flick Christian Slater ever did). Expect to hear more from this band as they try and make us forget about Kylie Minogue.
Review by: Sean Koepenick
ISSUE zine #40 [UK]
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Another welcome contribution from Pee Records over the other side of the world, and proof positive that Oz has got some damn cool music. LOSTBOYFOUND are a dynamic melodic hardcore outfit. They have recorded 20+ minutes of enjoyable, infectious songs which rip along at a fair old pace. I know I used this comparison in an earlier review, but I am trying to inform you about what to expect, there is definitely a hint of Rise Against about them and closer to the local scene, even a touch of Chillerton! So if you feel inspired to try something from afar, you need look no further.
BLUNT Issue #77
LOSTBOYFOUND – One Voice Over The Airwaves
Pee keeps it real for the kids with a quality recording of Geelong sprogs Lostboyfound, who channel Arthouse bands and beer as much as Bigwig and Strung Out. It takes a solid unit to tackle high-energy melodic punk rock and not come out looking like amateurs, and One Voice Over The Airwaves should be considered proof that Lostboyfound have got it together to a fine degree. Unfortunately for the dudes, the best track on the album [EP] isn’t theirs – it’s a cover of 180 Discord’s Melbourne punx classic “Black Arts” – but Lostboyfound aren’t going anywhere soon.
6/10 – Review by: Ash Easton