Sounding like the modern day materialisation of every Fat Wreck Chords compilation of the late 90s, Adelaide party punk band Hightime’s second album “Mother Crab” delivers some sentimental and seriously satiating songwriting. For fans of NOFX, Sublime, Strike Anywhere.
700 x Digipak CDs
OX Fanzine #120 [Germany]
HIGHTIME – Mother Crab
I watch you on You-Tube, the studio session of her hit “Tear Us Apart” to. Power total mood, also this record was recorded live from a few guitar and vocal overdubs. All Attention! Classify really HIGHTIME not let. On the one hand they have a matter of Melody-core, on the other hand you could well get the impression heir would even a political anarcho-crust band or a Scandinavian ska punk band from the nineties shot around the corner. Confusion total when then appear still latent Latin-, reggae or surf Parts in the otherwise rather driving songs. In the long run I think Nina’s singing quite monotonous. All the more important that guitarist Reuben sometimes the micro-switch. Pretty crazy mix, the Australians have here held on “Mother Crab”. Just imagine that there were certain Surfcore bands, instrumental Mucke would make as the intro to “In Dust”. And then I am reminded at once of Pullermann, the Prosecution, hammerhead and EGO’S AT THE DOOR. The fact is, “Mother Crab” goes like hell and somehow there are all these bands musical parallels. Interestingly, even though more than 47 minutes so that one or the other Reggae Part to breathe is necessary necessarily strenuous. Rating: 8/10
HIGHTIME – Mother Crab
Another fucking amazing Aussie punk/ska/reggae band. I’ve seen these guys a few times but had not had the chance to sit down and listen to either one of their 2 albums. So I was stoked to get the chance to review the second release Mother Crab. Hightime are a unique punk/reggae band from Adelaide SA who have managed to create a sound which clashes with many a genre; yet always carries the passion of its driving punk rock roots. When I’ve seen them live they always put on an amazing show and get everyone into the grove and always left me wanting more. This album did not disappoint at all, great mixture of styles to blend into one kick ass album. Tear Us Apart and Nothing Wasted are the stand out tracks for me but the whole album is a great step forward for Hightime and hopefully will give the fans a taste of what to expect from this amazing aussie punk band. Mother Crab is out now via Pee Records. I rate this an 8 out of 10. Stellar release!
Review by: Ryan Haigh [Belgium]
HIGHTIME – Mother Crab
Australia’s Hightime is back at it with “Mother Crab”, their first album since 2011’s “Ishe Prende”. Starting off the album is the instrumental “Cangrejo Madres” and if you’ve ever wondered what a spaghetti western soundtrack would sound like when played by a fast-as-fuck punkrock band, then Hightime has the answer for you. From there on this female-fronted outfit mixes up more melodic punkrock with ska (“Make The Save”, “The Fever”), skacore (“Money Hog”) and reggae (“Turn It Around”) and end up with a pretty diverse bunch of songs. While they are definitely not doing a bad job, the songs didn’t really stay with me afterwards and lack that little something to make them truly memorable. Fans of bands like Sublime might want to check out “Mother Crab”, but it didn’t manage to captivate me entirely.
Score: 5.5 out of 10

20 March 2015
Also Available From:
CAT #: PCD063
Recorded by: James Balderstone @ Capital Sound
Mixed by: James Balderstone @ Twin Earth
Mastered by: Jason Livermore @ The Blasting Room
Artwork by: Harry Plane Illustration
Organ on Turn It Around by: Luke Hancock