Killer debut EP full of angst ridden punk to chant along to from our Melbourne punk quartet Remain Opposed.
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ISSUE zine #39 [UK]
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
More [Pee Records] hardcore of course, but just half a notch less heavy [than Provoke] seems to pitch it about right with me. The guitar sound particularly appeals to me and the vocals put me in mind of Thought Riot, which is top banana. I just love the fourth track, “Revolution 101” with all its gang vocals and juicy riffs, worth getting hold of just for this track alone. It’s a bit sad that in all probability I will never get a chance to see these guys playing live. Oh for a Star Trek type transporter that could take me to Oz in an instant to see a show.
PEE #39
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
Melbourne outfit Remain Opposed has delivered a bloody catchy debut EP here. “In The Shadows We Dance” is fast and melodic punk rock in the vein of Epitaph Records outfits 1208 and Deviates. If you haven’t heard either of those bands, think a musical foundation somewhere between Pulley and Pennywise with high-pitched, passionate vocals and lots of energy as well. “A New Breed Of Defiance” and “Revolution 101” are great tracks while closing track “Razorblade Romance” is my pick here, with a catchy-as-hell chorus. If like me, you grew up on early to mid 90s Epitaph punk rock and wish more bands still played music that damn cool, Remain Opposed is a band you should check out. With Bad Day Down and now Remain Opposed, it’s good to see Pee Records releasing some bloody good Aussie punk rock for the masses.
Pardon Punx Zine
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
Debut EP from Melbourne outfit Remain Opposed serves up a raw energy that the hardcore punk scene has been looking for in Australia. This EP hurls a fast and aggressive yet melodic musical curve-ball… right into your face. A notable inspiration from bands along the lines of Comeback Kid and Good Riddance. Be sure to catch Remain Opposed when you can. By [the] sounds of this record you should be in for a reasonably good, fist pumping time.
Die Shellsuit, Die! UK Webzine
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
Something feels a little bit odd about this one. On the surface it sounds a lot like most other Rise Against / Strike Anywhere / Bane themed melodic punk bands, but there’s an element of something I can’t quite put my finger on that makes it stand out just a little bit. There’s definitely more of a metally influence going on than the two bands mentioned above, and the album has neither Strike Anywhere’s infectious hooks and earnest politicism nor Rise Against’s heartfelt unique vocal delivery (Although vocalist Terry Geisler does come pretty close to emulating Rise Against in places, and whilst the lyrics are nothing ground breaking they are delivered with some verve and emotion. I think what makes me like Remain Opposed more than all the other bands that sound a bit like Rise Against is that they seem to be true to their DIY roots whilst not shying away from more commercial elements. The production, whilst adequate, lacks the sheen evident particularly on later Rise Against albums, and the record sounds all the better for it. Although the songs are essentially three minute pop songs with a bit more chug and growl (This is NOT a criticism, simply an observation) they are played and delivered in a way that wouldn’t be out of place in a sweaty back room, rather than sounding like wannabe stadium rock songs. Definitely worth a listen if you enjoy a bit of fast melodic punk rock with a hint of metal.
Rating: 7 / 10
Review by Will Slater.
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
Raised Fist. Rise Against. Remain Opposed. See a theme? In case you didn’t see what I was driving at in the little intro sentence there, well, it would seem that these days that most if not all hardcore punk bands seem to wrap up there anti-establisment beliefs into a two word band name that basically says “Fight Everyone”. Hey, now that’s a nice two word band name, I’ll hang onto that one. Point is, resistance is the most common theme in punk music, and it’s got a solid workout in this EP from the suburban Melbourne band. Now, no sooner have I written the word resistance like 8 times, than the song “Resist” catches my eye. However, genric name aside, …In The Shadow We Dance’s tracks blend nicely into one another, there’s a real progression to the songs, they all seem to flow nicely into one another. The first song, Memento Mori, features (by %) the highest volume of gang vocal action I’ve ever encountered. However, at only one minute and eleven seconds long, it’s not a problem. That nice little powerful opener segues nicely into the second track “A New Breed of Defiance” (see the resistance theme I mentioned?). A song that reminds me a little of a harder 28 Days, without the DJ guy. I can’t explain it better than that. Now earlier I mentioned the blending of tracks. Now this is great for listening to the EP from start to finish, and shows musical forward thinking often lacking in punk music. However, problems arise in terms of listening to a song. You launch off a song you’re keen on, and bam, it feels like they’re all ready halfway through, and you’ve missed something. Punk music is not about having to sit through 10 minutes of stuff to get to the song you’re after. To quote Joe Strummer, “You can’t waste their time, people got things to do.” Although, the EP does a great job of not wasting time when it comes to song length, with 2 exceptions, all songs hover around the 2:30 – 3 minute mark. Yep, this is without a doubt punk the way its always done. All the trademarks of the modern punk are evident. All those punk trademarks are there. I gotta give kudos for the forward thinking approach to blending the songs. However, I gotta say, in terms of whats in the songs, not giving us anything new fellas. That said, the songs are a great listen, they just don’t offer anything envelope pushing (aside from the oft mentioned blending). On the whole, great anthemic songs.
Author Rating (Out of 100): 78
Written by Ringo on Tuesday, 20 March 2007
REMAIN OPPOSED – In The Shadows We Dance
Previously Left Lane Looters, now under the name of Remain Opposed, the Melbourne punk/hardcore four-piece formed in the shadows of outer suburbia, and it shows on their debut album. The eight-track release, In the Shadows We Dance, enters Remain Opposed strictly into the Australian punk scene, file under nothing else. Their message is simple, and surprisingly unique in modern punk culture. The suburban influence is instantly evident and continues throughout the album amongst simple, yet fitting, electric melodies. Remain Opposed’s focus remains on defiance and rebellion, as all basic punk does, however, clearly shunned is the culture of punk fashion trends. The album flows to straight angst-fight mode from the second song, A New Breed of Defiance – with lyrics that read, “Two by two we’ll shatter the silence”. Musically, Rise Against’s work is an obvious influence throughout the recording, however, Remain Opposed cleverly tailor their style towards a more basic punk mode on In The Shadows We Dance – that is, a more suburban, back-to-basic-roots type of punk rock. Lyrically, the track reads all angst and nothing else though it fulfils the needs of their particular audience – those who fight and rebel. The first and rare strikes of emotional lyricism come in Dead Don’t Bleed, with screams of, “Make me bleed, make me feel…” Revolution 101, the fourth track, is the hallmark song of the album. It is the defining moment where vocalist Terry Geisler puts his touch on the album screaming for fans for support to his band’s movement, “Let’s make our contribution, to this god forsaken hole”. It is clearly the track where the mosh hits its peak and most beer is spilt. The sixth track, Resist, breaks up the fast-paced, hardcore tone nicely, with a little more melody coming into play. It opens with a simple electric riff and no hard drum work. Alive and Bleeding serves as the point of difference in the album; it evokes the audience’s emotions and leads the listener to Razorbladeromance, the final track. This is where the album hits its lyrical and vocal benchmark, ending with the line, “My blood swells with infection…until I am turned to dust”. It appeals to the emotional punk side of Remain Opposed’s audience by throwing out an intriguing love to misery edge. The song almost seems out of place. Looking through the influences listed on Remain Opposed’s MySpace profile, they will show, amongst others, the following names: NOFX, Comeback Kid, Strung Out and Strike Anywhere. These influences are used carefully in the record, but importantly, they are not abused; that is to say, Remain Opposed doesn’t fall into the shadow of any of these artists. However, all of these bands seem to have a definitive element in their respective debut albums, be it piercing vocals, striking electric melody or just that one brilliant song – that was absent here. Nevertheless, In the Shadows We Dance, is a solid start to Remain Opposed’s life in Melbourne’s punk scene. There can be no misunderstanding as to their attitude as an artist, their sources of inspiration for future direction, and what they believe in; the three tasks that a debut album must complete are completed effectively. Remain Opposed will look forward to a promising year in 2007; however, similar artists are emerging from the Melbourne’s punk/hardcore scene just as rapidly and just as loud.
Ashan Munesinghe